普段技術的な内容を扱っているブログですが突然のポケモンです。HGSSぶりにまともな対戦を再開したので、これからもたまにポケモン記事が増えるかもしれません。一応 (?) ポケモンだいすきクラブ・オーキ堂 のOBだったりします (所属していた期間はほとんど対戦してなかったんですが…)。
ポケモンは↓のTwitterアカウントで活動してます。ルビサファ時代からずっとカイオーガ推しです。 https://twitter.com/amaya383
An English version appears after the Japanese section.
INC Apr. お疲れさまでした。「思い切り上振れして最終2桁入ってみたい!」という目標だったのですが、33-9で最高/最終レート1841 最終21位を記録できたので構築 メモ を残そうと思います。WCS中止・JCSも開催困難そうというご時世ですが、(恐らく) ボーダーを超える結果を残せて嬉しいです!!!あくまで構築時の自分用メモに加筆調整しただけなので読みづらさはご了承を。
- エルフーン@襷 (いたずらごころ)
- 臆病H252B180C4D28S44
- HB: 襷なのであまり意味はないがA-2陽気珠ドリュのD鋼耐え (ほんとはB172で耐える。調整ミスなのでDに8まわしたほうが良さそう)
- S: 陽気ドリュ抜き抜き
- その他: 余り
- 技
- メモ
- 臆病H252B180C4D28S44
- ジュラルドン@珠 (すじがねいり)
- 控えめH4C252S252
- 技
- メモ
- ダイマ率: 35%
- 選出率: 60%
- 先発/後発率: 80%/20%
- 適当にD龍D鋼撃ってるだけで強い
- 高耐久水の相手はミトムかナットに任せる
- 後発起用時は流星群か鉄蹄光線で1:1交換しにいくことが多い
- ミトム@帯 (ふゆう)
- 控えめH180B4C252D4S68
- C: 帯込みでほぼちょうどH252ミロがD電で確1
- S: 準速バンギ抜き抜き
- HBD: 余り
- 技
- メモ
- 控えめH180B4C252D4S68
- ウオノラゴン@スカーフ (がんじょうあご)
- 意地っ張りH4A252S252
- A: 火力が欲しいので補正あり252
- S: 最速インテまで抜けるので準速 (遅いドラパが多いので最速にして抜きに行くのもありかも)
- 技
- エラがみ
- 単なる半減では受からない、っょぃ
- サイコファング
- バナ・(マッパ) ブシン・貯水や呼び水・壁に一貫が必要なら撃つ
- 噛み砕く
- 稀にドラパに撃つけどなくてもいいレベルの技
- 岩雪崩
- 襷や化けの皮つぶしにどうしても範囲打点が欲しいとき、晴リザと対面してしまったときや怯ませたいとき
- エラがみ
- メモ
- ダイマ率: 0%
- 選出率: 80%
- 先発/後発率: 5%/95%
- 呼び水貯水だけケアすれば終盤はエラがみしてるだけで勝てる
- 無振りでも補正なしC252エルフのムンフォを耐えるので耐久振りは不要と判断 (この子地味に硬くない?)
- 意地っ張りH4A252S252
- ナットレイ@残飯 (てつのトゲ)
- 呑気H252B252D4 (S0)
- B特化
- Sはミラー意識の最遅+1調整でも良いかも?
- 技
- ジャイロボール
- フェアリータイプの削りとD鋼で積む用
- ボディプレス
- こっちがメインウェポンかもしれない
- やどりぎ
- 詰める用
- 守る
- 詰める用
- ジャイロボール
- メモ
- ダイマ率: 15%
- 選出率: 70%
- 先発/後発率: 5%/95%
- ナットで詰めるプランのときはできるだけジュラか自身のD鋼でBを積むように動かす
- ドラパ・バンギ・キッス・ドサイ・マジフレ持ち辺りからは常に炎技が飛んできても良いように動かさないとあっさり溶けます
- 多分ナットの型がこの構築一番の改善点で、ミラーやブシン意識で腕白鉄壁型 (ボディプやどりぎ鉄壁守るH252B252S4とか) にした方が良かったと思う
- 呑気H252B252D4 (S0)
- ウォーグル@ラム (まけんき)
- 詰めナットミラー
- ジュラかナットのD鋼でナットのBを積んで気合で倒す。特に鉄壁持ちはジュラナットを並べてジュラのD鋼を相手ナット方向に撃たないと厳しい
- コータス
- ソラビ持ちに晴れトリルされると終わるので、ジュラ中心にトリル阻止するかミトムでコータス出しに合わせて雨を降らせる
- ローブシン
- こちらの先発エルフが落とされてから後発ブシン展開されると縛られやすいので注意して立ち回る必要がある
- エルジュラミラー
- 準速なので大抵上を取れる・補正あり珠持ちの火力・光の壁補助があり、2枚目の鋼としてナットレイも控えているので多分有利
- 対トリル
- 早めにテストプレイをしよう。。。 (そりゃそう)
- 大会前半は格下マッチがばかりで潜り損
- 育成し直しで出遅れたメインロムはサブロムと比べて明らかに格下マッチが減った
- 終盤のマッチ運は大きく影響する
- かなり良かった方だと思う
- 負けたときは気分転換する
- 連戦はメンタルゲーですね。。。
- INC Feb. で爆死
- INC Apr. 10日前くらい。現環境を眺めてみると、なぜかエルジュラが絶滅危惧種になっている割に刺さっていることに気づく
- とりあえずテンプレエルジュラ構築を使おうと探すも最近のものが全く見つからないので1から組むことに
- エルジュラだと現環境の高耐久水が特にキツいので高耐久水に圧倒的に強く、嘘泣きコンボも使えるミトムを採用
- ジュラミトムにできる限りダイマを切りたかったので、非ダイマで強そうなスカーフウオノラゴンとカエールパ由来のチョッキナットレイを採用
- 残り1匹が見当たらず適当に二枚目の追い風&高速アタッカーとしてオンバーンを採用
- とりあえず数戦ランクマを回した感想「つよそうだけど晴れパきつくね?」
- 実際に晴れパを使っている方からラムウォーグル・ギャラ辺りをおすすめされる
- オンバーンの代わりにとりあえずボックスにいたウォーグルを採用
- また数戦ランクマを回したところ、エルウォーグルの並びが晴れパを中心に想像以上に強くこれで行くことに
- この時点では、攻撃寄りのエルフ (ムンフォ・嘘泣き・アンコ・追い風) 、フルアタジュラやチョッキナットという編成
- サブロム用の育成をして満足してINC当日を迎える
- INC1-2日目: サブロムで潜るもドリュが重かったりナットが大して機能せず、序盤から17-8でとても高順位は狙えなくなる
- たまたまメインロムのパーティーをロックしていなかったので調整し直すことに
- 意外と嘘泣きを使わないことに気づき1枠空く&シーズン2で使用感が良かった壁あまえるエルフに変更
- 壁あまえるエルフで相手のダイマを受け流せるようになったのでジュラに守る搭載・恩恵が受けやすくミラーもある程度対応できるHBナット (検討していたところで キヌガワさんの課金記事 を見かけて使えると勝手に確信) に変更
- ミトムの守るをHBナットと相性が良さそうなサイチェンに変更
- INC2日目夜:
- INC3日目夜:
ooooo ooooo ooxox ooxxo oooxx ooooo xoxoo xoooo
(負けの打ち分け: 立ち回り負けやミス2・出し負け1・コータス等の構築負け4・明らかな運負け2。逆に明らかな運勝ちは1) - INC終了直前:
- 抜かれているだろうなーと思い見てみると案の定37位で魂の1,2戦を迫られるも、運良く1発で1800超えの方に当たり勝ち。33-9レート1841で19位を見届けて終了
- 試合数的にもギリギリだったので切断に遭遇しなくてほんと良かった
- (おまけ) INC Apr. 環境の感想
ピキッ pic.twitter.com/PzStPUI4vJ
— amaya🎮 (@amaya383) April 14, 2020
First of all
This section is an English and a little simpler version of the above.
Feel free to contact me in English (or, of course, Japanese) :) https://twitter.com/amaya383
At first, my goal of the IC Apr. was "rank among the top 100th by much better performance than expected", but I finally succeeded in taking the 21st place (rate: 1841). So I wrapped up my team.
A rental team is also available.
The team
I adjusted an ancient combination of Whimsicott and Duraludon to the current VGC environment. D-max Duraludon or W-Rotom can perform well with defensive support moves by Whimsicott. And then, can checkmate by Dracovish or Ferrothorn. When I used W-Rotom-based combinations, I often use Max Geyser to make it rain. This move strengthens the performance of Dracovish and Ferrothorn mightily. The team, except for Whimsicott, has a good tolerance (a few weaknesses!) and can use many defensive moves and buffs/debuffs by D-max moves so that I could recover from disadvantageous conditions. I think the team has the flexibility to any situation while it's easy to use.
: AtkB
: DefC
: SpAD
: SpDS
: Spe
- Whimsicott@Focus Sash (Prankster)
- Timid H252B180C4D28S44
- HB: A-2 Jolly Excadrill w/ Life Orb Max Steelspike (Actually, B172 is enough. It's my mistake.)
- S: Jolly Excadrill++
- Others: Remains
- Moves
- Moonblast
- No need of Grass-type and to avoid activating opponents' weakness policies.
- Light Screen
- Strong. Sometimes it has a higher priority than Tailwind. It's a good move in particular against Water-type pokemons, which oppose to my Duraludon.
- Charm
- It can weaken almost physical attackers except for Braviary, Incineroar, Tyranitar, and Dragapult. With Duraludon, opponents must hesitate to use Follow Me. It's an important reason to use Charm.
- Tailwind
- NTH to say
- Moonblast
- Additional Info
- Dynamax: 0%
- Choice: 95%
- Advance/Subsequent: 95%/5%
- If used Fake Out: its user cannot take other moves, else: Whimsicott can move.
- Though this Whimsicott has good durability, need Focus Slash.
- Though I cut down prevalent moves for Whimsicott such as Fake Tear, Helping Hand, or Protect, Light Screen and Charm were good choices
- Timid H252B180C4D28S44
- Duraludon@Life Orb (Stalwart)
- Modest H4C252S252
- C: Maximum (Can defeat Arcanine, which looks strong to our team from opponents' perspective, by Max Steelspike twice)
- S: Timid Butterfree+ or S+1 Timid Charizard+
- Moves
- Draco Meteor
- Main move
- Steel Beam
- Main move
- Flash Cannon lacks power
- If C--, can exit themselves
- Thunderbolt
- Stable move w/o Dynamax
- Against Sleep Powder
- Another move may be better
- Protect
- For wait-and-see w/ Whimsicott's moves
- Draco Meteor
- Additional Info
- Dynamax: 35%
- Choice: 60%
- Advance/Subsequent: 80%/20%
- Max Steelspike and Max Wyrmwind are just strong
- Don't oppose Water-type, should use W-Rotom or Ferrothorn
- As a subsequent lead, I often do a one-to-one exchange by Draco Meteor or Steel Beam
- Modest H4C252S252
- W-Rotom@Expert Belt (Levitate)
- Modest H180B4C252D4S68
- C: H252 Milotic by Max Lightning
- S: Adamant Tyranitar++
- HBD: Remains
- Moves
- Thunderbolt
- Main move
- Hydro Pump
- Don't use it w/o Dynamax (it will cause 0 damage X( ). If I want Water-type moves, do Dynamax or yield the role to Dracovish
- Dark Pulse
- Shadow Ball may be better because of Def down for Dracovish/Ferrothorn and against Mimikyu and Whimsicott
- Ally Switch
- Max Guard is necessary
- Nasty Plot is too much
- Cheat!!! because of type complement in the team
- Thunderbolt
- Additional Info
- Dynamax: 35%
- Choice: 75%
- Advance/Subsequent: 50%/50%
- Should use Max Geyzer to be rainy for subsequent Dracovish and Ferrothorn
- His main role is defeating Water-type, Tyranitar&Excadrill, and Fire-type (Indeed, Arcanine and Incineroar) which is strong against our Ferrothorn
- Unlike Life Orbs, Expert Belts don't hurt durability. And W-Rotom can often use super-effective attacks so that I think it's the best item for W-Rotom
- Modest H180B4C252D4S68
- Dracovish@Choice Scarf (Strong Jaw)
- Adamant H4A252S252
- A: Maximum
- S: Faster than Timid Inteleon (Because there are many slow Dragapults, Jolly may be a better choice)
- Moves
- Additional Info
- Dynamax: 0%
- Choice: 80%
- Advance/Subsequent: 5%/95%
- Fishious Rend w/ Choice Scarf is too strong except for Storm Drain and Water Absorb
- Can endure Timid Whimsicotts' Moonblast
- Adamant H4A252S252
- Ferrothorn@Leftovers (Iron Barbs)
- Impish H252B252D4 (S0)
- B: Maximum
- Moves
- Gyro Ball
- Against Fairy-type and Def+
- Body Press
- Suited
- Leech Seed
- Cleaning up in the end game
- Protect
- Cleaning up in the end game
- Gyro Ball
- Additional Info
- Dynamax: 15%
- Choice: 70%
- Advance/Subsequent: 5%/95%
- When cleaning up in the end game, should use Duraldon or Ferrothorn's Max Steelspike to increase Def
- Ferrothorn is very weak against Spe Fire-type. Need extra care.
- Iron Defence-based Ferrothorn may more suit the team
- Impish H252B252D4 (S0)
- Braviary@Lum Berry (Defiant)
- Jolly H4A252S252
- S: Jolly Dragapult+ (When S+1)
- Moves
- Brave Bird
- Main move
- Close Combat
- Against Tyranitar, Excadrill, or Ferrothorn
- Rock Slide
- Multi-hit, against Charizard, and making it Sandstorm
- Protect
- Tailwind may be a better choice
- Brave Bird
- Additional Info
- Dynamax: 15%
- Choice: 20%
- Advance/Subsequent: 50%/50%
- Against Sunny Day teams
- Sandstorm by Max Rockfall and Max Airstream are strong against Sunny Day teams
- Lum Berry is for Sleep Powders from Venusaur and Will-O-Wisp from Sableye
- Braviary is favorable for Incineroar/Arcanine which looks strong against our Ferrothorn and Snarl which injures our Duraludon and W-Rotom
- And also can do heavy damage to Conkeldurr
- Jolly H4A252S252
Common combinations
Whimsicott+Duraludon or W-Rotom
- Most common
- When an opponent team has only Incineroar or Arcanine as a counterplan to our Ferrothorn, Dracovish&Ferrothorn is the most stable combination
- When our Duraludon looks a stable attacker but an opponent team has a Water-type, you should use Whimsicott+Duraludon / W-Rotom+sth. You can use Light Screen to cut SpA damages while exchanging Duraludon to W-Rotom. If the opponent uses Dynamax to Water-type, it's easy to win by Dynamax W-Rotom.
- Most common
- Against Sunny Day teams or Defiant looks effective
- Though Braviary can raise its speed himself by Max Airstream, but Tailwind is still strong
- Ferrothorn (Mirror)
- The team has a little damage source. Must use Dynamax to Duraludon or Ferrothorn to increase Def of Ferrothorn. And defeat opponent Ferrothorn by Body Press. Especially, when opponents' Ferrothorn has Iron Defence, you should use Dynamax Duraludon's Max Steelspike to Ferrothorn ASAP w/ leading Ferrothorn.
- Torkoal
- Conkeldurr
- Without Whimsicott, Conkeldurr can become a threat so that take extra care
- Whimsicott+Duraludon (Mirror)
- Favorable
- Our Duraludon is fast, Maximum SpA, Light Screen support, and Steel-type Ferrothorn is following
- Favorable
- (Hard) Trick Room
Teambuilding and my IC Apr. run
- IC Feb. no progress X(
- About ten days before IC Apr., I noticed that Whimsicott+Duraludon lead disappeared from the environment but it's an effective lead to that environment
- I looked for typical Whimsicott+Duraludon teams, but not found so that I started to build a team from scratch
- It seemed Whimsicott+Duraludon cannot defeat (or hard to do) Water-type, I employed W-Rotom. It has suitable types and looks good w/ Fake Tear
- I chose Scarf Dracovish and Assault Vest Ferrothorn (from IC Feb. カエール's team) which are active w/o Dynamax and suit Rain
- I couldn't find a missing piece so that I temporarily chose Noivern as a user of Tailwind and a fast attacker
- Test run -> Looked good but weak against Sunny Day teams
- At this time, an offensive Whimsicott (Fake Tear and Encore), Duraludon w/o Protect, and Assault Vest Ferrothorn
- My friend who used Sunny Day team suggested Braviary or Gyarados w/ Lum Berry
- I had had a trained Braviary, so I decided to use him
- Test run -> Looked great. I fixed the team
- IC Apr. Day 2nd run: I used the team on the sub-account. I was defeated by Excadrill. And Assault Vest Ferrothorn couldn't move well. (17-8)
- Accidentally, I hadn't fixed a team for IC Apr. on the main account, and I decided to re-build the team
- I noticed Fake Tear looked good but was not helpful. And I employed Light Screen and Charm Whimsicott which I had known it is strong before my run at S2
- New Whimsicott can dodge opponents' Dynamax so that I thought Duraludon needed Protect and a suitable Ferrothorn was Leftovers Ferrothorn (At the moment, I found キヌガワ's article, and I'm sure that Leftovers Ferrothorn can perform well)
- I changed W-Rotom's Protect to Ally Switch which looks a suitable move w/ Leftovers Ferrothorn
IC Apr. Day 2nd run (contd.):
IC Apr. Day 3rd:
ooooo ooooo ooxox ooxxo oooxx ooooo xoxoo xoooo
(Breakdown of my lost games: my lack of skills or mistakes 2・lead 1・team (e.g., Contains Torkoal) 4・lack of luck 2. Wins by luck 1)- At this time, my rate was 1825, and I held the 9th place. I was surprised at my high rate
- IC Apr. Last Day (morning in JST):
- My pessimistic expectation that I would lose the lead was right. I fell to 37th place. I had to play more. Fortunately, I won a rate from 1800+. My final rate was 1841 (33-9).
- I was in luck because I didn't face DC glitch
- My remark on IC Apr. environment
- Whimsicott+Duraludon disappeared
- Many Sunny Day teams w/ Trick Room and teams derived from the IC Feb. カエール's team
- In a higher rate, more trainers used Dragaplut&Coalossal, Primarina, and Ferrothorn
It's my frozen Ferrothorn
ピキッ pic.twitter.com/PzStPUI4vJ
— amaya🎮 (@amaya383) April 14, 2020